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Texts on Philosophical Praxis in English:
We are excited to annouce that the first official english translation of the most important texts of Dr. Achenbach from over 40 years of experience is about to be published in April 2024. We thank Michael Picard for his enormous effort in translating.
Some reactions so far:
This collection of Gerd Achenbach's most important writings on Philosophical Practice is a much-awaited milestone in the history of this field. It's been more than forty years since Achenbach baptized Philosophical Practice and gave it a solid philosophical foundation--in German. In all these years, Philosophical Practice expanded worldwide and took many different forms, while Achenbach's incipit remained obscure to all those who could not read German. Through his excellent translation of Achenbach's texts into English (an almost impossible task requiring outstanding linguistic and philosophical skills), Michael Picard marks a turning point in this story and makes an invaluable gift to all those interested in and caring for Philosophical Practice.
--Donata Romizi, University of Vienna
Thoughtful, witty, and steeped in the European philosophical tradition, he takes us along as he reflects on the philosophical impulses underlying philosophical practice--on what needs it addresses and on what mastering it may look like and require--and makes a compelling case for why it matters today. This choice selection of essays, long-awaited and masterfully translated, is a must-read for anyone interested in philosophical counselling and in the therapeutic significance of philosophical thinking more generally.
--Raja Rosenhagen, Ashoka University
“Gerd Achenbach is one of the pioneers of philosophical practice. While his reputation precedes him and some of his
works have been translated into English, Philosophical Praxis captures Achenbach’s unique, formidable character,
philosophy, and spirit. Michael Picard has contributed an excellent service―a labor of love that comes through in his
capturing of Achenbach’s style―in making this valuable contribution to philosophical p ractice available in English. This is a must read for anyone interested in philosophical practice!” — Rick Repetti, Kingsborough Community Colleg
Hier der Flyer mit einem 30% Rabatt-Angebot.
What matters? ? What is important in truth? What is crucial in the end? - Leading principles in philosophical practice. (Lecture at the opening of the 15th International Colloquium on Philosophical Practice in Mexico on June 25, 2018.)
What is Philosophical Practice?
On Wisdom in Philosophical Pracice Lecture for the „Third International Conference on Philosophical Practice”, New York, July 1997, published in: Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, Spring, 1997. Vol. XVII, No. 3, p. 5 - 20
Philosophical Practice opens up the Trace of „Lebenskönnerschaft” Lecture for the „ 6th International Conference on Philosophical Practice”, Oslo, 2001
Philosophical Practice - A Question of Bildung? Lecture for the „International Conference on Philosophical Practice”, Kopenhagen, 2004
Die Neuigkeit: Die „Meister-Klasse Philosophische Praxis”
Der zweijährige Meisterkurs
Alles Nähere dazu hier.
Das neue Buch ist erschienen: „Philosophie der Philosophischen Praxis”
Das Buch: „Zur Einführung der Philosophischen Praxis”
Meine Dissertation über Hegel
1981 in Gießen bei Odo Marquard zum Thema „›Selbstverwirklichung‹ oder ›Die Lust und die Notwendigkeit‹. Amplifikation eines Hegelschen Kapitels aus der ›Phänomenologie des Geistes‹” abgelegt, ist ab jetzt hier im pdf-Format nachzulesen.
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Unsere Anschrift
„Haus der Philosophie”
Hartungen 64
I-39016 St. Nikolaus/Ulten
0049 170 3019945
post@gerd-achenbach.de laura.adrian@web.de.